Making meaningful connections with key figures in the industry will significantly improve your brand visibility.

Generate meaningful faith in your brand by forming alliances with influencers, and pay only for desired outcomes. 

Elevate your influencer marketing initiatives with a large and actively engaged group, all while taking advantage of automated, streamlined, and tailored processes.

Unlock potential and discover the key to amplifying your profits through the development of motivational affiliations with Purple Thinkers’ comprehensive Influencers Hub environment.

Keep an eye on influencer campaigns from the beginning to the end, from discovering and onboarding the most suitable content makers, to monitoring their performance and compensating them depending on their input.

Locate and engage the appropriate influencers efficiently and effortlessly.

Establishing the right association is paramount; take advantage of our global opt-in network to locate experienced creators enthusiastic to join your mission. Employ the creators’ info-centric opt-in to accurately pinpoint your recruitment attempts and launch your missions within the allotted time.

Speed up the introduction of your brand campaigns by shortening the creator setup process.

Easily negotiate and arrange your influencer’s contracts with our user-friendly workflow system. Establish conditions for deliverables, payment, and use of created content in only a few moments. Qualifying application surveys for your campaign are also easily attainable.

Our extensive collection of content is strong and dependable.

Gain access to and transform any content created by influencers, all in one convenient spot. Through the media content hub, you can quickly sort, label, and retrieve all IGC connected to your brand.

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Centralize all contacts associated with content creators for easy reference.

Create relationships with creators efficiently by utilizing a specifically designed influencer relationship management platform. Utilize custom fields to record details about campaigns and store distinct collaborator information. All collaboration history can be easily retrieved and accessed from one centralized place.

Monitored and Documented Metrics that are critical to success.

Our analytics panel offers a clear, data-driven overview of each success metric. By tracking performance analysis ranging from recognition to purchase, you can see the effect of influencer marketing on achieving your company objectives. Our Wrap Report lets you demonstrate this success.

Come be a part of our team today and collaborate with renowned global companies!

Unlock the insights you need to generate growth and learn how can help you coordinate all aspects of the partnership process.