Cooperate with labels that your public will adore.

Thousands of companies are on the hunt for reliable collaborators like yourself. Open up more opportunities and augment your earnings by leveraging commerce content. Publishers can monetize their material with commerce content in lieu of ads.

Cooperate with your favorite and most recognizable brands.


Trustworthy merchants and brands are readily available to work with.

At Purple Thinkers, we make it effortless to tap into a plethora of revenue opportunities. Our exclusive publisher portal allows you to explore over 1500 merchants in one go, offering clear and concise data like commission rates, payment options, approved countries and more. Moreover, our team can help merchants to negotiate unique arrangements with competitive commission rates.

An automated framework to monetize links and keywords.

Automation helps to save you time, as well as maximize your revenue. Purple Thinkers’ technology provides a straightforward way to do this by inserting a code into your website which then links to over 1500+ merchants. This will guarantee a continual income and guarantee that you never miss out on potential income.

Unlock Purple Thinkers Marketplace for brands, where creativity and innovative thinking collide.